5th June 2023
2 min read

The Power of Purpose

Nick Cox

Strategy Director

Attracting and Engaging Exceptional Talent

A brand's purpose is not just an external marketing tool, it is a guiding force that shapes the identity and culture of an organisation. Beyond attracting customers, a compelling purpose also plays a crucial role in attracting and keeping talent.

When a brand has a clear and meaningful purpose, it goes far beyond financial success. Yes, they grow three times faster than their competitors according to a study by Deloitte, but their ‘flag in the ground’ becomes a beacon, attracting the individuals that are not just looking for a job, but are driven by a sense of meaning and fulfilment. Purpose-driven organisations foster a strong sense of identity and create an environment where employees feel connected to something greater than themselves (or their income…)

Attracting exceptional talent

Talented professionals are increasingly seeking more than just a paycheque. They want to work for companies that align with their values and offer a sense of purpose. A compelling brand purpose acts as a magnet, drawing in individuals who are passionate about the company's mission and eager to contribute their skills and expertise. The same study saw 30% higher levels of innovation in companies with purpose; something that can only be driven by uncommonly strong talent.

Retaining great staff

Once exceptional talent is onboarded, a strong brand purpose becomes instrumental in retaining them. When employees understand and resonate with the purpose, they feel a sense of belonging and are more likely to stay committed to the organisation. Again, according to Deloitte, 73% of employees who work for a purpose-driven organisation are engaged, compared to just 23% in companies without a clearly defined purpose. Purpose-driven companies also cultivate a positive and motivating work environment, fostering loyalty and reducing turnover - that same study found purpose-driven companies experience 49% higher levels of employee retention. 

Whether you’re building a drinks brand or a global tech organisation, a clear purpose not only attracts customers, but serves as a powerful tool for attracting and retaining exceptional staff. By defining and communicating a compelling purpose, organisations create an environment where employees are engaged, motivated and committed to achieving shared goals.

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