
When fintech washed over traditional financial services, manual repayments and hardcopy letters were still the norm. NewDay, one of the UK’s largest credit providers, set out to change this. Guided by a philosophy of ‘brutal simplicity’, they created Bip, the first cardless credit app, with a bold, stripped back brand and lots of helpful features. Our creative strategy and production experts communicated this across all advertising touchpoints, identifying the versatility in the brand and producing platform best-practice creative.


  • Brand strategy
  • Visual identity
  • Verbal identity
  • Website


The brand is brilliantly basic, but it didn’t have the variety of tools needed to make maximum advertising impact across everything from YouTube to Spotify. We took the client through a strategic process of bending and stretching the brand, playing to its thresholds and setting guides to make sure wherever you meet Bip, each experience is consistent while creating intrigue.


To launch anything, you need to create a loud, coordinated bang across all channels. And when a launch campaign lasts longer than just a few weeks, it’s important that your content keeps up the momentum. Working across mainstream advertising channels, (Meta, Google etc.), and secondary options like Spotify and contextual 3rd parties, we produced hundreds of bespoke assets, playing to the strengths and specifics of each platform.

Organic social media isn’t an easy play for financial services. Brands and legal teams often lock horns until both sides submit. However, this was NewDay’s next-generation product and the perfect brand to connect with a younger demographic on social media. We created a framework to find, vet and onboard talent, for the first influencer activations for the entire NewDay product portfolio.